Can you believe it though? been together for only 9 or so months and we've hit a 100 posts! :D
Rockin awesome. Since its the 100th post i shant waste it talking bout random gibberish.
As a follow up from tianyuans post,
2. sunday 19th october
west coast park! we'll have bbq again(doesnt really apply since we didnt have one last sunday!) but don't worry about getting fat, because there's a dog park there and we can go run after cute little dogs and catch them and bbq them on
3. sunday 26th october
sentosa this time!
or night safari or something
Notice how our next outing is just around the corner! Its tomorrows tomorrows tomorrows tomorrow!
Point of contention: Are we or are we not gonna have a class bbq?
WE ARE HAVING A BBQ.Its been confirmed, tianyuans 'gang' will be incharged of the preparations.
soyeapp, thats the main gist of this post, we need confirmation of whos gonna come, to decide whether we want a bbq(cos i think we needa book a pit kinda thing), it'll prob be bout 5 bucks per person?(taking out from class fund, so if you dont make it, its your loss :)) Meet around 2pm, can playcardsclimbtowersfrisbeekitingdogschasingetcetc.burningrandomstuffwefind.
List of people going ATM:
there, if you dont want your notes or random personal belongings suddenly going up in flames, do join us firelovers at the class outing :D
Pics from previous class outing(in order of appearance):
this was the long arduous journey we had to walk cos jiaxi asked us to get off at the wrong stop within which we stopped to admire the ocean and play bridge a couple of times. actually, the three of them were the only ones walking, i was on my skates already :D
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